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Senior Center Board Minutes 09/18/2017
Lymes’ Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting

September 18, 2017

PRESENT:  Sue Campbell,  Ann Griffith, Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Dot McAndrew, Diana Seckla, Jeri Baker, Ruth Young, Gary Weed, Doris Johnson,  Joni Bonvicin, Kathy Lockwood

ABSENT:  Johnny Cody

CALL TO ORDER:  Sue Campbell at 1:00


SECRETARY’S REPORT:  Accepted with type corrections.  A motion was called for and Jeri Baker seconded.  Unanimous approval.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Doris Hungerford - Accepted as submitted.   A motion was called for and seconded by Kathy Lockwood. Unanimous approval.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Sue Campbell  read Ruth Young’s resignation letter to the Board.  Jeri Baker made a motion to accept.  Stephanie Lyon-Gould requested that Ruth Young be an honorary member “board member emeritus”.  Unanimous approval.


DIRECTOR’S NOTES:   Stephanie Lyon-Gould  
    Donations:  Discussed donations that were given to the Center by various organizations.
   Nonagenarian Tea: Tuesday, September 19th.  Thirteen honored guests are expected.  Walter Kent will take photographs.
   Veterans Luncheon:  October 11th, 1:00.  Stephanie needs a headcount  as soon as possible.  Joni will be contacting the Veterans and the Military with an invitation to attend.
   Data Base:  Various volunteers helped with the set up.  Data entry is still in process.  The site is secured the way bank’s data is secured.
   TV:  The newer TV is on the wall.  Dot McAndrew will contact the VA to see if they would take the older one.
   Volunteers:  The Center has many fantastic volunteers.  Joni has some high school students who are helping with the Data Base.  Pat Bosenowiz does the website and enters emails.  
 Other:    Stephanie Lyon Gould will be on vacation October 16th-20th.  
Stephanie has ordered a new projector which has wifi and bluetooth.  

BUILDING USE:  Stephanie-Lyon Gould.  The fire alarm went off again - the second one to go off in a couple of months.  They were cleaned and checked in July.  Three have failed and have been replaced with 17 more to be replaced.
We are getting someone to do the doors.

POLICY:  Stephanie-Lyon Gould.   The center needs to create a written policy to address issues of safety, hygiene and definition of membership.  Motion made to gather, review and possibly act on language at the October meeting.  Gary Weed seconded.  


 Ann Griffith.  The heating/cooling system needs to be calibrated properly.  Jeri Baker will request that Stephanie call the installers back to address the situation.


UPDATE ON EXERCISE FOR CANCER PATIENTS:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould. The Cancer Program is starting tomorrow (September 19th) with 8 attendees.  We have also put the word out to the Cancer Association in Waterford.

A MEMBER AND CHAIRPERSON STILL NEEDED FOR BOARD:  Sue Campbell.   An Old Lyme and Lyme member are still needed for the board.  Gary Weed motioned for Doris Hungerford to fill the Lyme seat.  Unanimous approval.  Her application for the board will be forwarded to the Selectmen.  Jeri Baker will approach Pat/ Don Abraham of Old Lyme as prospects to serve on the Board.  

 Eco Service Project:  Stephanie Lyon- Gould.  Boy Scout Troop 26 have sent a proposal to refurbish the bocci ball courts for their service project.  They will take care of all fund raising efforts and oversee refurbishment.

Moving Chairs:  Gary Weed.   Requested the Center recruit volunteers or someone from the town to move chairs for events.

Revisit By-Laws:  Jeri Baker proposed a review in order to update and possibly revise if necessary in order to help recruit new board members.  Requested for October agenda.

Help for Stephanie:  Jeri Baker.  Stephanie needs some part time help on a consistent basis, not just a volunteer.  The board should decide to take action and open discussions with Old Lyme and Lyme.
ADJOURN:   Meeting adjourned at 2:15.  Jeri Baker moved to adjourn.   Gary Weed seconded.  

NEXT MEETING:  October 16, 2017

Respectfully submitted,

Paula Emery
Recording Secretary